So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord,
continue to live your lives in him,
rooted and built up in him,
strengthened in the faith as you were taught,
and overflowing with thankfulness.
Colossians 2:6-7 (NIV)
Jesus spoke to multitudes, but he only had a dozen he called disciples. They studied together, traveled together, ate together, and often met in homes. The early church met in the temple for worship, but in homes for discipleship (Acts 2:42-47). They met in small groups. Our GROWTH GROUPS follow the example of Christ and his disciples and the practice of the early church.
What Does A Growth Group Look Like...
In Growth Groups we walk alongside each other and learn to do life together, which is an essential step in following Christ – and having fun! Each Growth Group is unique just as the individuals that form the group are unique:
When it all comes down to it, we want people to grow in relationships with Christ and one another. To be disciples and become disciple-makers. Growth Groups are the best way to connect with others and grow. We have a number of groups that meet in and around the Eugene area.
Follow the link below to go to our Groups page on Church Center and view the different groups currently available, or complete the form below if you simply have a question about Growth Groups and would like to have someone contact you.
What Does A Growth Group Look Like...
In Growth Groups we walk alongside each other and learn to do life together, which is an essential step in following Christ – and having fun! Each Growth Group is unique just as the individuals that form the group are unique:
- Some groups focus on Bible study, others use topical discussion materials such as books or a video series; some groups may place an emphasis on friendship, prayer, outreach, and/or spiritual growth.
- Some groups meet on Sundays before our worship service (some with a traditional "Sunday School" feel) and others meet throughout the week (with a "Small Group" feel).
- Groups meet in a variety of locations: on church campus, in people’s homes, restaurants, coffee shops or other public places.
- Some groups meet over a meal or provide child care.
- Over time groups may go to ball games together, go camping, help each other overcome habitual sins, and even help each other raise their families.
- Groups place an emphasis on reaching out to the community through serving and sharing Christ.
When it all comes down to it, we want people to grow in relationships with Christ and one another. To be disciples and become disciple-makers. Growth Groups are the best way to connect with others and grow. We have a number of groups that meet in and around the Eugene area.
Follow the link below to go to our Groups page on Church Center and view the different groups currently available, or complete the form below if you simply have a question about Growth Groups and would like to have someone contact you.
Go to our ChurchCenter site to view our Growth Groups and other offered classes
(click on the link or copy/paste into your browser): |
33 The Series is designed to inspire and equip men to pursue Authentic Manhood as modeled by Jesus Christ in the 33 years He lived on earth. If you would like to learn more about Authentic Manhood and 33 The Series, please visit their website: We currently have two groups that are using this material, both on Thursdays: one at 6AM, one at 4PM. If you would like to join a 33 Men's Group, please contact the Men's Ministry Team using the form on the Men's Ministry webpage |
101 - 201 CLASS SERIES
Periodically on Sundays Whether you're new to Fairfield, new to the faith or have questions, this is the perfect class to begin! Get to know us and what we believe. Questions? Connect with Pastor Alan ([email protected]) Click the link below for details: |
Periodically on Sundays This class is a natural continuation for those who have completed our "101 class: Welcome to Fairfield", but open to all. We want to help you grow in Christ. For those who are young in life or faith, we want to discover together the tools for growth and develop deep habits for growing in our faith journey. Click the link below for details: |
Interested in learning how to start a Growth Group or become a GG Leader or Teacher?
Connect with Associate Pastor Ryan Prieb to learn more.
Connect with Associate Pastor Ryan Prieb to learn more.