At Fairfield, we consider everyone a participant. No spectators here. There is only One in the audience: God. As the Church we are told to "be filled with the Holy Spirit," making music out loud and in our hearts to the Lord with thankfulness (Ephesians 5:18b-20). So, for the Christ-follower, worship is a life responding to God's mercy and goodness (Romans 12:1-2). God moved first. We are simply responding with an appropriate offering!
Give praise to the LORD, proclaim his name;
make known among the nations what he has done.
Psalm 105:1
If not God, it's something else, even ourselves. How can you tell what you worship? It's simple really:
Whatever has the attention of your mind and the affection of your heart has the allegiance of your life.
Whoever - or whatever - we pledge allegiance to is the thing we worship. But, what is worthy of our attention and affection? In the end, everyone and everything will fall short, and only One will remain worthy: Jesus Christ.
Whatever has the attention of your mind and the affection of your heart has the allegiance of your life.
Whoever - or whatever - we pledge allegiance to is the thing we worship. But, what is worthy of our attention and affection? In the end, everyone and everything will fall short, and only One will remain worthy: Jesus Christ.
Our worship services are more than a concert designed to entertain. It's more than just a playlist of popular Christian hits. We put a lot of care and intention into our times of worship together. If you are interested in learning more about what goes into what we do, learn about our Worship In Perspective, how our philosophy of worship influences how our team leads and how we "do" worship at Fairfield.
The music used at Fairfield is chosen with great care in order to be theologically accurate as well as "sing-able." We utilize a wide variety of music ranging from more modern, "well known" songs, to ancient hymns, to songs that may be more obscure. In this way, we value the music and artistry from the past AND present as tools to worship our Creator through song.
Check out what we are working on for this Sunday's service (YouTube player).
You can also see what is in the works for down the road or follow us on Spotify.
You can also see what is in the works for down the road or follow us on Spotify.
Drama, photography, painting, dance/choreography, sign language, sculpting...
Just as music can be considered worship, we want to showcase other expressions of art that point people to Jesus. We look to involve different people with differing gifts and abilities that can be beautiful expressions of worship in our services. Including dramatic sketches, videos, choreography & dance, or othter expressions, can often be included to add to our worship that we offer our Savior.
We are also working toward adding visually artistic expressions of worship to the Jennings Room (our foyer) and hallway, becoming a sort of gallery of worship to God. Cultivating this kind of atmosphere serves to help people "tune" their hearts toward a worshipful attitude. Our hope is to include pieces inspired by the Holy Spirit and rooted in the truth of Scripture, created by our own people at Fairfield. This is a growing edge for us and will take time to develop. If you have any interest in participating or learning more, connect with Associate Pastor, Ryan Prieb.
Just as music can be considered worship, we want to showcase other expressions of art that point people to Jesus. We look to involve different people with differing gifts and abilities that can be beautiful expressions of worship in our services. Including dramatic sketches, videos, choreography & dance, or othter expressions, can often be included to add to our worship that we offer our Savior.
We are also working toward adding visually artistic expressions of worship to the Jennings Room (our foyer) and hallway, becoming a sort of gallery of worship to God. Cultivating this kind of atmosphere serves to help people "tune" their hearts toward a worshipful attitude. Our hope is to include pieces inspired by the Holy Spirit and rooted in the truth of Scripture, created by our own people at Fairfield. This is a growing edge for us and will take time to develop. If you have any interest in participating or learning more, connect with Associate Pastor, Ryan Prieb.
The aim of the Worship Team at Fairfield is to cultivate an atmosphere and attitude of authentic worship offered in spirit and truth to our living Savior. When people think of a worship team they might think of singers and musicians on a stage, but we recognize our team is broader than that. The "behind the scenes" people are just as significant as those who are on stage. The worship team involves those on-stage (singers and musicians) and behind-the-scenes players (computers, video, sound and lights). If you are interested in getting involved or just have questions, complete the contact form below, and we'll get in touch with you!