Growing and learning in the light of his love
Our values for children help create our unique curriculum. Each classroom is motivated by the lives of the children and their individual social and cultural backgrounds. The curriculum includes creativity and curiosity of the children while promoting literacy. We foster good health through learning about nutritious foods and promoting active play. Fairfield Baptist CDC exists to build Godly character in children through quality Early Childhood Christian Education in a safe and caring environment, incorporating proven methods and materials to promote success in school and in life, with eternal values.
This is for children twelve to twenty three months. This class focuses on more language development so children can tell you about their painting or point to pictures in a book and label them. Large motor includes things like climbing and throwing, while small motor will include things like turning a page in a book, stacking blocks, and drawing with a crayon. The teacher will use Ages and Stages Questionnaire within the first month to determine how to meet the needs of each child’s individual development.
Children in this class are two years old and learning more complex large motor moves such as jumping forward and to stepping with one foot at a time up the stairs. They are also singing more of the words to the songs and meeting with the teacher for brief group time activities of singing and stories. They are learning fine motor skills, of puzzles and beading while also learning more pro-social behaviors. The curriculum will cover sensory, science, creativity, and language. The teacher will use Ages and Stages Questionnaire within the first month to determine how to meet the needs of each child’s individual development.
This class is our three years old and younger four years old. This class focuses on social and emotional development: sense of self, responsibility for self and others, and pro-social behavior. This class also helps children with physical skills: large and small motor development. Teachers guide children in cognitive development: learning and problem solving, logical thinking. Language Development is always emphasized: listening and speaking. The teacher will use Ages and Stages Questionnaire within the first month to determine how to meet the needs of each child’s individual development.
This class is for children who are in their final year of preschool before entering Kindergarten. The teacher will use Ages and Stages Questionnaire within the first month to determine how to meet the needs of each child’s individual development. The teacher will do a lot of similar types of activities as the preschool. This class focuses on social and emotional development: sense of self, responsibility for self and others, and pro-social behavior. This class also helps children with physical skills: large and small motor development. Teachers guide children in cognitive development: learning and problem solving, logical thinking and also representation and symbolic thinking. Language Development is always emphasized: listening and speaking and also reading and writing. The teacher will assess the children at the end of the school year for Kindergarten readiness.